Netwrix Enterprise Auditor (formerly StealthAUDIT) 11.6 has been released LEARN MORE


Too often IT is making choices about who has access to information despite not knowing the business implications of that access. The challenge is to empower the people who know the business needs to control access to IT resources, without sacrificing security or efficiency. Entitlement Reviews ensure the right people certify access on a periodic or event-driven basis.

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    Controlling access to unstructured data stored in File Systems has been a challenge all companies have faced, but few have conquered. These repositories often contain business critical and sensitive information and are continuing to grow each day. Ensuring users have only the access they need to do their job and that this access is reviewed and governed is vital in order to secure a company’s digital assets.

    Periodic reviews of user entitlements are integral to any business in order to ensure that the right people have access to the right data, without exposing data unnecessarily. Being able to perform these reviews in a streamlined manner is necessary in order to keep up with the regular growth and change most organizations experience, both in terms of data and personnel. A consistent entitlement review process enables organizations to maintain data security by regularly monitoring and remediating excessive permissions.

    With Stealthbits, the right people review the right access, with relevant context to make good decisions, all from a simple to use web browser interface.


    – STEP 1 –

    Discover shared resources and provide visibility into relevant data including permissions, access, activity, and sensitive data, highlighting security vulnerabilities such as open access.

    – STEP 2 –

    Assist with data custodian assignment by suggesting probable owners based on several factors including common managers, content owners, and active users. The StealthAUDIT Management Platform offers visibility into the necessary data points to provide proven ownership workflows to identify probable owners while providing a streamlined approach to confirm ownership, making sure the right people have been put in charge of important access decisions.

    – STEP 3 –

    Empower data custodians to take control of access to their unstructured data repositories through access review workflows where they can suggest access changes using the data that StealthAUDIT provides including user activity or account status.

    – STEP 4 –

    Establish streamlined governance plan to manage data access, enabling:

    • End users to request access to shared resources
    • Data custodians to modify access based on relevant data points


    © 2022 Stealthbits Technologies, Inc.